Pollinator Gardens

Our pollinator gardens take a wholistic approach which involves providing food for bees, wasps, hoverflies, butterflies and seeds for birds. Using a combinaton of natives and ornamentals which have been proven to have a high pollinator draw, we design gardens that provide food for pollinators throughout the year.

Asters are a great pollinator magnet in fall

Yellow Wingstem has a special value to native bees

Garlic Chives, though not native, attract oodles of pollinators and their stems are great when fried with soy sauce

This pollinator garden includes, russian sage, asters, cutleaf coneflower, physostegia and lots of goldenrod

Giant Hyssop attracts, native bees, honey bees and bumble bees

Plants like Thistle though provide a great source of nectar for butterfies and food for birds

Alliums are one of the most showy pollinator plants. Here a dragonfly can be seen lounging on a flower head

Big-root geraniums attract honey bees and butterflies partially because of their long flowering time 

Besides providing height, physotegia provides food for pollinators as late as December

Melanocarpa berries provide food for birds in this native fall planter.

Highbush cranberry, low-grow sumac, blanket flower and native ferns make for a colorful and ecologically appropriate fall arrangement

There are many non-natives such as coreopsis and nepeta which attract such a high volume of pollinator visits that they make great additions to any pollinator garden